About Us

History of The Essential Supplements Co.

Our journey began in the aisles of a supplement store. As an employee, our founder witnessed a striking gap: the younger generation was notably absent from the consumer base. The reasons became clear: many traditional supplements showcased intimidating, pharmaceutical-like designs that felt more clinical than welcoming, making them less approachable to younger consumers.

Driven by dissatisfaction with these off-putting designs, as well as the plethora of unnecessary ingredients in traditional supplements, our founder envisioned a line of products that would stand out and speak directly to the younger generation's values and aesthetic. The Essential Supplements Co. was conceived, introducing modern, sleek designs that resonated with Millennials and GenZ, purposefully moving away from the cluttered or overly sterile look of many competitors.

Proudly LGBT-owned, our company stands for more than just product quality. We genuinely believe in inclusivity. That's why we're committed to ensuring as many of our products as possible are vegan. At The Essential Supplements Co., we're more than just supplements. We're a brand that understands, values, and caters to the needs and ethos of our diverse community.